
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

seo in mumbai

Advanced Search Engine

Positioning Tips


Search engine positioning is a powerful marketing toolfor web based companies. Whenever a web surfer makes a search engine query for a product or service, they're predisposed to your marketing message. Companies can market through their web site without making house calls. Moreover, studies show that search engine traffic outperforms banner ads and email marketing campaigns by producing more purchases, form or catalog requests, newsletter subscriptions, and software downloads.

Yet the road to high search engine positioning is full of pitfalls. A wrong turn here, a wrong turn there, and you may find your web site in a ditch. While many companies promise to see you safely through the tortuous paths of search engine positioning ,most expect you to pay vast sums for the privilege, or buy expensive software "that'll submit to over 1500 search engines."

But subscribing to such schemes is like being in the throes of unrequited love. The attention and effort you shower on hundreds of smaller search engines is a labor lost because the top 10 generate 98% percent of search engine traffic. Professional search engine positioning companies know this and concentrate their efforts on the top search engines.They also know that if a site doesn't appear in the top 10 or 20 results from a query, its chances of being found decrease exponentially to almost nothing.

On the next few pages,we'll examine 12 ways to improve your web site's search engine positioning. We discuss optimization strategies and expose the blunders that may cause your site to be buried in rankings so deep, it never gets found, or worse, is never indexed by search engine spiders at all.

So if you are intersted in optimizing your website than be with us and have a confidence on our ability